2019 OSLA Conference Feedback - Friday, Feb 8
Thank you for participating in this year's conference! Your feedback is invaluable to our organization, so we ask that you take a few moments to provide us some information before you depart. Thank you in advance for your ideas.
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The location of the conference met my expectations *
The food options available met my needs *
The schedule for the day met my expectations.
I didn't like the long breaks in the schedule. Too many for how much we paid to be there.
Strongly Agree Yes!
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Attending Zaretta Hammond's full-day workshop was a valuable use of my time. *
Strongly Agree Yes!
What is one idea that you are taking home with you from Zaretta's presentation?  I need to learn more about the brain and how it functions. I need to learn more about history to better understand the implications of story themes. *
One thing I'd suggest changing about the day is:  
A literacy topic/theme I'd be interested in exploring at a future OSLA conference is:  
What topic/idea would you be interested in learning more about?
A K-12 speaker/educator I'd be interested in anchoring the OSLA annual conference in the future is:  
Additional comments on the day:  It took over 10 minutes to leave the parking lot to go to lunch and to leave at the end of the day. We barely made it back in time and we ate fast food.
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