U-Stop Kicks It Back to the Community Program Application
Thank you for your interest in the annual U-Stop Kicks It Back to the Community program. We are proud of all our local charities’ work to give back to our community, and we are excited to team up to give back even more.

We developed our Kicks It Back to the Community program to partner with local nonprofits and make a positive impact on the community we love. The most significant way we can support our nonprofits is through donations. Every Tuesday of the month, we donate $.02 of every gallon sold to the Kick It Back to the Community nonprofit of the month or quarter. The more fuel we sell on Tuesdays, the more donations the nonprofits receive.

The goal of the Kicks It Back to the Community program is to build a partnership with each nonprofit. All nonprofits also become partners with each other by driving their stakeholders to any of our U-Stop locations in Lincoln, each Tuesday, all year long. The more we communicate this message to the community via word of mouth, social media, and other avenues, the larger each nonprofit’s audience size will be. We want the community to feel good about their fuel purchase on Tuesdays, knowing that $.02 will be Kicked Back to local charities. A win, win, win.

U-Stop will set each nonprofit up for success by providing messaging and creative assets to spread the word. These creative assets will include a video and TV partnership with Channel 8, where Rod Fowler and Mark Whitehead “star” in a video commercial praising the benefits of each nonprofit. U-Stop will also provide social
media messaging, posters, and other communications for the nonprofits to utilize throughout their designated month.

To be considered for this program, please fill out the application form below.
Email *
Describe your charity
a) What does your charity do?
b) Who do you serve?
Explain your board structure
a) Are they all required to give?
b) Is this a working or non-working board?
c) Describe their duties
Describe the audience of your charity *
Are you a registered 501(c)(3) organization? *
If yes, please list your 501(c)(3) number
What platforms are you currently active on? *
What other means do you have to communicate with your supporters? *
What is the main platform you communicate with your audience on? *
How does your charity impact the local community?
Include events, promotions, sponsorship, and average dollars raised at each event
How and where do you plan to spend the money donated from U-Stop's Kicks It Back to the Community program? *
What percentage of donations go towards your mission? *
Do you agree to share at least 4 posts of U-Stop KIB content during your assigned month(s) on your Facebook and Instagram channels? *
Do you agree to post at least 2 organic Kicks It Back posts during your assigned month? *
This is a partnership between charities and U-Stop.
We look at the dollars earned during your designated month to be put towards a sponsorship, dinner, event, etc. of which you typically would have asked us for a donation to fund. Some type of "call out" is required with the funds. 
With that in mind, what would you have the dollars "sponsor"

(example: a dinner, a walk, a sponsorship of a location)
Each month you would be required to share posts of other nonprofits with your stakeholders. This builds all nonprofit audiences. Would you be willing to do this? *
At the end of the year (or giving period), the nonprofit would be required to give a recap of communication to U-Stop/Whitehead. Are you able to do this? *
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