OBOW Book Committee Sign-Up Form
One Book One World is a registered NFP in Illinois. We are committed to bridging gaps and fostering more understanding in Asian American and other minority cultures, history, and contribution to our country and community. The OBOW Book Committee is responsible to generate a donation list of titles and award books every year. Thank you for your support!
大家好,One Book One World是伊州注册非营利机构,我们每年都将进行筹款赠书进校活动,以增进人们对亚裔及其文化的理解,促进各少数族裔之间的文化交融。OBOW书籍评选委员会正在招募有多元文化研究或教育学相关背景的家长,教师或图书馆从业者,期待您的加入,谢谢支持!
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Full Name 姓名 *
Phone Number 电话号码 *
Zip Code 所在地邮编 *
Wechat ID 微信号
Volunteer Experience 志愿者经验
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Major / Occupation 专业或职业 *
List 1~3 titles that you would like to recommend (must represent cultural competence) 请推荐一到三本书籍 *
Reasons why you recommend the titles above 荐书理由 *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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