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Seasonal Transition Survey
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What do you base your buying budget on?
Historical receiving
Historical sales
Gut feeling
KPI targets (sell through, turn, margin)
We outsource our OTB budget
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How do you schedule receiving?
Front heavy
Back heavy
Mirror sales peaks & valleys
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How do you discount?
Percentage (30% off)
Dollar price (was $100 now $67)
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Why do you discount?
End of the season / discontinued product
To reach inventory targets
Generate cash
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Do you ever discount slow movers in season?
Yes, all the time
Sometimes, but it's not a priority
No, we keep full price as long as possible
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Do you offer an in-season discount at your events?
Yes, all of them
A few of them
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What happens to the leftover out-of-season merchandise?
Mark it down more until it sells
Liquidate it to another company
Donate it
Box it up until it's in season again
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Would you ever buy/sell merchandise to another retailer in your network if it was a win-win-win (buyer, seller, vendor) environment?
I'd consider it
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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