Shaping the Future: Caledonia 2025 Feedback Survey
Thank you for completing this short survey.  Your feedback is crucial in guiding our priorities for 2025 and beyond.

We’re excited to hear from you!

To show our appreciation each completed survey will be entered into a draw for a complementary Caledonia Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership for 2025, valued up to $625. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your Name  *
What is the name of your Business or Organization?
What is your best email address? *
Are you a Caledonia Chamber Member? *
Which of the following do you feel are the most impactful benefits to Chamber membership?
(please select all that apply)
What type of events or activities would you be interested in seeing the Chamber engage in that would provide value to you as a business owner or community organization? Please list.
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