Parents Protecting Children UK: Research concerning Child Protection interventions
This survey consists of 5 pages and 21 sections/questions

Please supply as much detail as possible, the more you supply the more impact this research survey can have.

The data you will provide in this survey may be shared with 3rd parties AFTER it has been anonymised.

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About you and your child(ren)  -   page 1 of 5
1a - Your name(s):
1b - Birth year(s) of the child's parent(s): *
2a - Name of Child(ren)
2b - Birth year(s) of children *
2c - Number of children involved in your case *
3 - Names & birth year of others involved e.g. grandparents / cohabiters / etc :
4 - Your contact info: *
please provide any or all of: email, mobile phone number, landline phone number
5 - Your postal address:
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