Effective ways to invest during a Pandemic with Joy Chien
Want to learn how to be smart with your money, beat inflation (keeping it in a savings account does not beat inflation), learn 3 trends to fast-track your financial knowledge and to learn ways to make your money work for you!

Time: 12:00pm SGT
Date:  2 Dec
Location: On Hangout

Not sure where to get started? Banks make investing complicated on purpose when it’s not. Joy will be sharing her story of how I became an independent private investor.

**Come with your questions and let's figure out some strategies that work for you!
***Joy has been a private investor for 15 years and living off her investment the past 9years.  

What People Will Learn:
- Investing trends right now during Covid times
- What to do if we hit a recession
- Investing strategies
- The psychology of investing
- 5 Mistakes to avoid when first investing

About the speaker:
While at the FBI, Joy quit her corporate job 9 years ago and transitioned to being a full-time private investor and has since been traveling the world, founded 2 companies; living her life on her own terms.  She studied Engineering and IT, founded an award winning co-working group DCNightowls, is a spokesperson for Singapore's oldest women's rights NGO, hosts startup competitions and runs investing and yoga retreats around the world.  She's worked with individual investors as well as MNCs such as IBM, Accenture, Bloomberg, KPMG, Paypal, Nomura, etc.

With 13+ years of consulting and 15 years investing experience, Joy believes in a balanced, holistic approach to investing money. She is passionate about startups, sports and travel. As a financial investment coach, she is now empowering others to be financially independent and recently became a bestselling author for "Liberating Your Struggle, Journey of Riches".

Website: investingwithjoy.com
Instagram: @investingwithjoy
Facebook Group and Page: Investing with joy

Questions? Contact: Anne Caron anne@annecaronconsulting.com

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