2025 GCCA Spring Conference Registration- March 21-22, 2025

Conference Registration Information:

1. Each person who is registering for the conference will need to register using their individual school email. You may not use the same email for multiple coaches.  The emails used for registration are collected to help with communication and organization of conference events. (*If your system blocks external emails, you may use a personal email to ensure you receive all conference updates.)

2. IMPORTANT STEP: Please check and select your current classification and region alignment. When prompted for region and classification, middle school coaches, please register as ​"Middle School Coach.​"

* 2024-2026 Region Alignments

3. Once you submit your registration form, you will receive an email confirmation that your registration has been received​ and a link to reserve your hotel room at the GCCA discounted rate​. The GCCA rate is only valid through February 15, 2025.​ Do not wait to book your rooms, ​​space is limited. 

4. When registering, if you indicate that you will be paying by PayPal, you will receive an email confirmation with a unique link for paying your fees online and a form to document the names of registered attendees being paid ​for using the PayPal link. If you choose to pay fees online, please note there is a convenience fee added when paying through PayPal.

5. If you are paying your conference fees by check, please print your registration form and mail it along with your check to:

Ann Michele Toole
c/o Vidalia High School
901 North Street W, Vidalia, GA 30474

Please ​ask your bookkeeper ​to note the names of all ​conference attendees being paid for in the check being sent for registration fees.​  This helps with tracking and documentation.

Early Registration - postmarked/received by February 1 - $200 ($208 by PayPal)

Regular Registration - postmarked/received by February 15 - $250 ($260 by PayPal)

Late Registration - postmarked/received by March 1 - $275 ($286 by PayPal)

We are unable to accommodate registration after March 1, 2025.

* PLEASE NOTE - The conference is available to the first 300 paid attendees.  ​Accommodations are limited and the group rate for reservations expires on February 15th. All registration fees are non-refundable.

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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Complete Name of the School that you coach for (may/may not be the school you work at) *
Region *
Classification *
Which team (s)  do you coach? *
Conference Registration  *
If you have food restrictions, please indicate in the space provided at this time.  We cannot guarantee, but will do our best to accommodate.
Payment - Be reminded that registration fees must be postmarked or received by noted deadlines to guarantee conference registration rate. *
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