IB DP Self Study Questionnaire- 2020
This questionnaire is for Standard B, Organization.
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Standard B- Organization
Standard B1- Leadership and structure: The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s).
Practice B1.5.-The school develops and implements policies and procedures that support the programme(s).admission to the school and the DP.
Requirement B1.5.a. The school has an admissions policy that clarifies conditions for admission to the school and the DP.
1) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Practice B1.5.   *
2) Describe the process for implementing, revising and communicating the school's admissions policy (B1.5.a.) *
3) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of B1.5.a. *
Requirement B1.5.d. The school develops and implements an assessment policy that is consistent with IB expectations.
4) Describe the process for implementing, revising and communicating the school's assessment policy (B1.5.d) *
5) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Requirement B1.5.d.   *
Requirement B1.5.e. The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations
6) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Requirement B1.5.e. *
Requirement B1.5.f.-The school complies with the IB regulations and procedures related to the conduct of all forms of assessment for the administration of examinations for the DP.
7) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Requirement B1.5.f. *
Practice B1.6.-The school has systems for the continuity and ongoing development of the programme(s).
8) Describe and/or provide examples of the structures (such as professional development opportunities, policies or procedures) to support the implementation of approaches to teaching (best teaching practices based on inquiry, conceptual understanding, local and global contexts, collaboration, differentiated teaching and continuous assessment). *
9) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Practice B1.6.   *
Standard B2. Resources and support: The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s).
Practice B2.1. -The governing body allocates funding for the implementation and ongoing development of the programme(s).
10) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of Practice B2.1. *
Practice B2.8. -The school provides support for its students with learning and/or learning support requirements and support for their teachers.
11) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of practice B2.8 *
Practice B2.9.- The school has systems to guide and counsel students through the programme(s).
14) Describe the systems the school has for the induction of students into the Diploma Programme and how each student’s programme of study is put together. *
15) Describe the systems the school has to guide and counsel students through the DP. *
16) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of practice B2.9. *
Practice B2.11.- The school utilizes the resources and expertise of the community to enhance learning within the programme(s).
17) Please indicate your assessment of the current level of implementation of practice B2.11 *
Which department are you? *
If you are not a staff member at HHS, please choose the description that best describes you. *
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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