Google Earth: Measurement I 
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What is your first and last name?  *
Who is your homeroom teacher?  *
1) Type in Versailles, France and hit enter. About 1,500 feet northwest of the palace is a pentagonal grass area. What is the perimeter, in yards, of this area? (Use the path setting on the ruler.)  *
0 point
Image sans légende
2)  About how many miles is the Dover, UK from Calais, France? (Hint: Calais is across the English Channel and is southeast of Dover. You’ll have to zoom out to see it. Use the line setting on the ruler.) *
1 point
Image sans légende
3) Starting at Dover, zoom in and go a couple of miles along the coast in a northeast direction. What’s unique about the cliffs? 
1 point
4) About how many miles long is Loch Ness, UK? (Hint: A loch is a lake. Use the line setting on the ruler).   *
1 point
Image sans légende
5) Go to The Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, United Arab Emirate. If you went for a jog around the outside arc (it’s almost a circle), how many kilometers would you run? (Use the ruler with the path setting). 
1 point
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