Give Toys & Smiles to a Child in Need!
It is that time of year again! For the thousands of people ABCD helps every year, winter can be a treacherous time. Juggling the costs of heat, groceries, rent, childcare, prescriptions, and a little holiday cheer is not easy - but you can help! As the temperatures drop and the holidays approach, we are asking if you will step up again and join us as a donor to the ABCD Toy Drive.

The ABCD Toy Drive aims to bring some extra joy to our neighbors in need during the holiday season. Every year, with the support of donors like you, we distribute upwards of 6,000 toys to more than 720 families. You can give individually or as a group with your family, social or faith group, business, or benevolent society.  

To become a Toy Drive Donor simply complete this online form, and an ABCD staff member will contact you to schedule donation drop-off and other logistics.

Or if you have questions and need more information contact us at 617.348.6559 or
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Are you donating as an individual or as an organization? *
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