Salt Spring Surprise 200 - Pre-registration Form
Please complete this form to let organizer Holland Gidney know that you plan to participate in the Salt Spring Surprise 200 organized by the BC Randonneurs Cycling Club and scheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2015.

This 200-kilometre brevet *officially* starts on Salt Spring Island at 7:35am at the Fulford Harbour ferry terminal. It is expected that some riders will catch the 7am ferry from Swartz Bay (Victoria) while others will meet at the ferry terminal on Salt Spring Island. (Salt Salt Spring Island has many overnight accommodation options, including camping)

Note: if your plans change after completing this form, please email 

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Name? *
E-mail address? *
Type of bike you will be riding? (Single, tandem, velomobile, etc) *
BC Randonneurs member? (You must be or become a member to do this ride) *
Tip: Download a membership form and/or become a BC Randonneurs member at
Where do you plan to sign an event waiver, pick up your control card & route sheet, and pay the event fee ($15)? *
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