The Master Playbook: Speaker InTake Form
Thank you for your inquiry regarding Holly Reid Toodle, CPA of The Master Playbook.

We would be happy to learn more about your event/conference/convention, provide a quote, and to discuss Holly's availability and potential participation as a speaker.  We appreciate any background you can share with us about how long your program has been around, its mission and goals, and the types of programs and services you provide.

Please provide the following details or enter “TBD” (To Be Determined):

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Email *
Name (First and Last) and Title *
Contact Phone Number *
Name of The Organization You Represent: *
URL of Your Organization's Website: *
What is Your Organization's Status? *
Event Date: *
Event Time* *
Please provide the anticipated time of the event and the duration (ex. 4pm - 6pm)
Event Location: *
Please provide the physical address.
Event Website/URL: *
Event Theme: *
1. Can you please share some background on your program and its history? What is the vision for your program? *
2. What are your main goals in bringing Holly to your community / campus? How do you anticipate Holly will help you achieve your goals or address your challenges? *
3. What would you need to see happen to consider this event a success? *
4. What is the topic for the speaker’s presentation? Are there specific messages you would like Holly to convey to the audience? *
Please let us know if there are any special messages you’d like the speaker to focus on and any takeaways you would like to make sure the audience leaves with.
Expected Number of Attendees/Participants: *
Anticipated Age Range of Attendees/Participants: *
Is the Event Free for Attendees? *
If Not Free, What is the Admission Price? *
Other Speakers/Invited Guests: *
Event Sponsor(s): *
Type of Presentation Requested: *
Budget for Requested Speaker/Presentation: *
Are Financial Literacy Materials/Books Desired? *
Other Special Requests (Check all that apply): *
Additional Comments/Info About Your Event: *
Once you submit this form, I'll share my calendar link so we can discuss the information you've shared.  I'm looking forward to it!

Yours In Wealth,
Holly D. Reid, CPA
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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