OR HFMA Red Dot WRS Scholarship Application
This scholarship is a new opportunity to help get Oregon HFMA members to Western Region Symposium. Thank you Red Dot Management for the generous donation. Red Dot Management 

The deadline to complete the application is Nov 27. Scholarships will be awarded on Nov 30, with recipients being notified via email. 

The scholarships will be awarded to members based on activity in the Oregon chapter such as committee leadership and volunteers and conference attendance. 

Scholarship amounts will be based on request and funds availability. 

Details on the various discount options can be found at WSR Discount Details
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Applicant Name *
Email *
Employer *
Applicant Title *
Available Discounts  *
Expectation is that applicants will use all available discounts from WRS.
Scholarship Amount Request *
The amount requested is not a guarantee. Availability of the $700 amount is based on funds availability after the $350 amounts are awarded. 
I hereby attest that my employer is not covering any of the costs for the conference and will provide receipts of my personal out of pocket expenses as it relates to conference registration, lodging, or travel.  I understand that meals are not reimbursed with this scholarship
What is Red Dot Management?

REDDOT:  Revolutionizing Self-Pay, MVA Accounts


Would you like to create more revenue, faster, with less FTE resources while dramatically improving your patients’ lives?  If so, it’s time to rethink how you’re treating your Self-Pay, Motor Vehicle Accident accounts.


REDDOT believes fiercely in leveraging the entrepreneur mindset to change how healthcare self-pay, motor vehicle accident accounts are resolved nationally. We execute on our mission by providing an equitable solution for this most difficult patient financial class. Our platform was built specifically with a “fair and equitable resolution” mentality mindset-without engaging in debt collection activities, ever. 

Our hospital clients create more revenue faster, with less FTE resource, while dramatically improving their patients’ lives and relationships. 


REDDOT is pleased to provide our services and look forward to helping you and your patients revolutionize how complex, self-pay MVA accounts are resolved.   


REDDOT – “Good for hospitals, good for patients”

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