Senior Counselor Questionnaire -                                    Plans for after graduation
Senior 2021,  Please log in from your google email account and complete this survey and submit Section 1.   THANK YOU!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name-  Last, First *
Advisory teacher?
What is your current work/career goal?  (what interests you most as of now) *
How certain are you of your career goal stated above?   *
Not at all certain
Very certain
Have you done a career interest inventory on   *
Have you done a career search and research on this career?  If not,  copy and paste into browser to compare careers-    If so, what factors draw you to this career goal/field stated above?   (check all that apply)
How familiar are you about the educational or training required & what you need to do to reach that career goal?   *
Not at all familiar - I still need to look into that
Very familiar - I have researched it and know what to do
At this point, what is your educational/career path plan for after graduation to reach your career goal (mark those that apply) *
If you are considering applying for a community or traditional college, which ones?  
If you are considering applying for Career Tech, Trade School or Apprentice program, which ones?
If you are considering Military, which branch?
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If considering Military, which pathway?
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What obstacles/concerns might you need to address in order to reach your goal? *
What is your "Plan B" or alternative career goal (as of now)?   *
Did you apply for and get approved for Oklahoma's Promise tuition payment program as an 8th, 9th, or 10th grader?
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Do you know about the FAFSA (Free application For Federal Student Aid) and when/how to apply? *
Do you plan on applying for scholarships to help pay for education?
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If college bound... what is your highest composite ACT score to date (if you know it)?
If college bound...   Are you planning to retake your ACT this year to improve your score for college/career/scholarship application needs?
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NEW!  Do you know that your ACT can be superscored for Oklahoma colleges?  This means ACT will provide to colleges, upon your request, a score report using the highest score in each subject test over multiple test dates.
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Do you know that your ACT can be taken multiple times?  And that you can get up to 4 fee waivers if eligible for (free/reduced lunch progrom) from Mrs. Moery?
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Do you have any special requests or suggestions for career day speakers or specific college/military reps for Mrs. Moery to invite to HHS?
What concern(s) about your future college/career/military/transition to adult life is most important at this point?
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