Teachers Feedback Form
Dear Faculty
We request you to fill the feedback form provided below and help us in attaining our objective of becoming
a Centre of Excellence. We assure you that this date will be utilized for internal purposes only. We express
our gratitude to you for filling this form.

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Name of the Faculty *
Qualification and specialization
Date of joining
Name of Subject and Code
Q.No.1 Opinion about curriculum of MBA /MCA :-
 [Please put Tick mark in appropriate boxes]
Strongly Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Adequately covers contemporary topics/global issues/emerging global and national trends
Enhances Knowledge of functional areas of management
Helps in skill building-decision making communication, team building etc
Sensitizes students to ethical and professional values
Develops application oriented thinking
POs and Cos are relevant to syllabus of 2019
Q2 List curriculum gaps in the subjects you teach and efforts to bridge the same
Name of Subject and Code
 Gaps :
Material handling should be included :
Steps taken to bridge the gaps :
Suggestions for syllabus revision :
Q.3 Would you like to add any topic to exiting syllabus so that specific Cos and POs can be achieved? Please mention Name of Subject and Topic:
Q4 What courses/certificate courses/ value add courses would you suggest for improving the competence of your students?
Q.5 In view of students' feedback about your teaching what would be three steps you would take for further improvements?
Q.6 What steps would you take this year to help AESIMR become a Centre of Excellence?
Q.7 How would you enhance your corporate contribution?
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