Adoption Application & Agreement Form
Our goal at Tarzan's Safe Haven is to match up each pet with the correct adoptive family to insure a safe and healthy forever home.  Animals are the only family we choose and they deserve the promise of a forever home under any circumstance.  Please make sure you and your family are fully ready to commit to them for their entire life ensuring them the best care and love they deserve.  Please help us by filling out this application completely and to the best of your ability.  Any application not filled out completely or satisfactory may result in a halt to further follow up. We reserve the right to refuse any adoption we may consider unsatisfactory.  A refusal to an adoption may not mean another adoption would not be a better match for both the pet and you. Please read our full adoption process on our website   
Photo ID may be required -Tarzan’s Safe Haven may keep a copy
The same application is valid for all our adoptable animals.
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Full Name & Age *
Names & Ages of Everyone in the Household *
Full Address include city, state & zip code *
Phone Number(s) *
E Mail Address *
Employer Name & Occupation *
Reference Name & Number *
How did you hear about Tarzan's Safe Haven? *
Will you and all other adults in your household consent to a background check? *
Will you agree to have a home visit from staff or volunteers from Tarzan's Safe Haven before and after the adoption process to insure the safety and health of your adoptive pet and your family? *
List all pets in your household in the last 5 years: Include type, sex and age *
Are they spayed or neutered? *
Where are they now? *
Are you willing to provide your current pets vaccination records and recently (within 5 years) deceased pets death certificate? *
Current Veterinarian Office Include address and phone number for reference purposes *
Why do you want to adopt an animal? *
Does anyone in your household have animal allergies? If yes, what kind? *
Who will be responsible for feeding, exercise, housebreaking and training? *
How many hours a day will this pet be alone? *
Where will this pet be kept when home alone? *
Where will this pet sleep? *
How many hours a day do you plan on spending with your pet? Doing what together? *
Will your pet spend most of their time indoor or outdoor? *
Do you have a fenced in yard? What type of fence and how tall? *
What are your methods of training? House training, barking, jumping etc.? *
Animals have needs including but not limited to daily care, a minimum of yearly veterinary care, and sometimes emergency needs, surgery and prolonged medical issues. If finances become an issue, how will your animal(s) receive the care they need? *
Have you ever relinquished a pet before? *
If yes, explain the circumstances
What are acceptable reasons for relinquishing? *
If you can no longer keep this pet what would you plan to do? *
Will you consent for photo usage of you, your family with you new adoption addition to be used for awareness purposes at the digression of Tarzan's Safe Haven? NEVER USED IN SOCIAL MEDIA *
You will most likely be receiving follow up calls to insure your new adoptive family member and the rest of the household are adapting well. Will you be open to talking with us? *
Tarzan's Safe Haven Pet Adoption Agreement
The Adoptive Family Understands & Agrees To The Following:
Adopter is 18 years of age or older *
Adopter understands the stress of changing environments can lower an animals immune system and your pet could receive an infection without displaying any symptoms.  We cannot guarantee or be held liable, financially, medically or otherwise for the health of any animal. Kittens are given Felv/FIV Snap Testing, litter testing if applicable, mom tested if available. Please note some test will not show accurate until the kitten is up to 4-6 months old. If know by Tarzan's Safe Haven, any diagnosed conditions with further treatment plans will be disposed to the adopter.  The adopter will be responsible for all medical, behavioral treatment as of the adoption day. *
Adopter agrees to take the animal into a veterinarian within 14 days of adoption for a general checkup, including but not limited to vaccinations, deworming, medication or medical treatment at adopters own expense. Adopter agrees that if the animal is not spayed/neutered adopter will have that procedure complete within 30 days of the adoption, of appropriate age, or medically cleared and will provide the paperwork of the completed procedure to Tarzan's Safe Haven within 10 days. If the adopter fails to spay/neuter the animal or give the proven paperwork, Tarzan's Safe Haven will retrieve the animal with no refunds to the adopters. *
Adopter agrees to provide the animal a humane environment, including but not limited to regular exercise, medical needs and checkups, food, water, shelter, mental and physical stimulation and companionship. Adopter agrees to inoculate the animal against rabies and abide by animal control laws. *
Some matches may not be as successful as we all hope for. In the event you can not keep the animal, Tarzan's Safe Haven must be notified and given first option to receive the animal back. The adopter must allow Tarzan's Safe Haven 14 days to find a suitable foster or open place. While they wait the adopter is required to house and care for the animal. If the adopter found a foster home or adoptive family, Tarzan's Safe Haven must approve, following the proper foster/adoption steps. We are a non for profit organization and we cannot refund your adoption fee. *
Adopter understands and agrees that Tarzan's Safe Haven makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to age, health, breed, habits, sex, disposition, or safety of the animal. Adopter accepts the animal as is, assume all risks and responsibilities associated with ownership of an animal, including but not limited to bites, bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, or property damage, and adopter releases Tarzan's Safe Haven, their employees, volunteers, and all associated persons and companies of any and all liability. *
The adopter acknowledges that if the terms and conditions are not appropriately followed, Tarzan's Safe Haven may retrieve the animal(s) back without reimbursement. Adopter acknowledges that they have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of the adoption waiver and agreement and will comply with the same. *
Please Type Your Full Name As A Digital Signature of Acceptance and Date Below *
Which adoptable are you interested in? If you're  not sure which specific pet would be a good match, just give us a quick general description of what you're  looking for. (type, sex, age, temperament, etc.) *
If adopting a kitten or cat do you plan to declaw them? *
If you are renting provide your renters name and contact information. If you are not renting type n/a *
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