Project Artist Alley Questionnaire
Hey there! My name is Zero, and I'm building a new artist focused social media platform. I'm doing so because I don't think some of the current platforms are meeting the needs of artists and art appreciators in terms of presentation and features.

The main focus of this new platform will be attempting to give you, the user, the most control over how you interact with other creators' content.

The project is currently in a pre-alpha state, but I would like to ask potential members some questions that will help me add or prioritize features to try and make this something cool.

Thank you in advance for your time. I truly appreciate it.
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I would describe myself as.... *
I create the following types of content (pick all that apply) : *
I enjoy these types of content (pick all that apply): *
I have used one or more of these services to post art I have created: *
What did you like about these services? *
What don't you like about these services? *
What do you consider when looking for platform to join? *
Has there ever been a reason that your stopped using a service before? example: change in design, terms of service changes, feed algorithms, etc Please explain.
Free space: Please let me know any thoughts or feelings you have about the current art environment. What works? What doesn't work? What you would want to change? Any cool new tool or brush? Cool new project?
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