2024-25 PEPI Application
Please complete this application if you are interested in taking PEPI the spring semester 2025. Please read the below info before filling out this application.
Email *
GPA Requirements:  Must have at least a 2.5 by the end of this current school year (2023-24).

Attendance:  94% attendance requirements (you must be at school at least 94% of the time).
        No school suspensions.

Parental Consent:  Depending upon the situation at hand, you will be assigned to a school off of the Sanderson school grounds. For this to occur, transportation must be provided by you or you may carpool with another PEPI student…this will require permission from a parent.

General Comments:   Please make sure that you want to be in PEPI for all the right reasons.  You must enjoy children, have a good work ethic, be comfortable speaking in front of your peers, be self-motivated, have loads of patience, enthusiasm, and a willingness to perform all duties that may and will be asked of you!  

Important Note:  If you are selected for this class you will not be allowed drop it for something else.  Only under special situations will you be allowed to change to a different class.  Please make sure this is something you are committed to before submitting this application!
Last name *
First name *
Age *
What is your grade for next year? (2024-2025) *
Weighted GPA *
Number of absences in 2024 spring semester *
What extracurricular activities are you involved in? (Sanderson sports teams, clubs, organizations, etc) *
What experiences do you have working with elementary aged children? *
Why should I choose you to be a PEPI instructor? *
List the names of two Sanderson teachers that would be a good reference for you taking this class.   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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