Premium Property Pals Coaching
Our Premium Property Pals Coaching is a free service, why and how can we do this?

We (Jaryd & Sam) like to play long term games with long term people and despite our decades of experience in business and property (and tens of thousands of deals we've been apart of) we make our income from referral commissions (which cost you absolutely no money). By ONLY recommending the best finances brokers, agents and team we either know and have used ourselves in our own property portfolios to achieve extraordinary results.  

This means everybody wins, and that's the only way to live life!
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Full Name *
Your best contact email *
How much cash (capital or equity) do you have for your purchasing deposit?  *
What is your annual wage? *
Are you a Self Employed, and if so have you been earning more than $80K p.a for over the past 2 years in business? *
How many properties do you own? *
How much can you consistently (and confidently) save per month towards your property portfolio? *
What is your 5 year property portfolio Goal? (i.e how many properties would you like to own, what type and how much passive income would you like to be making) *
What is your 10 year property portfolio Goal? (i.e how many properties would you like to own, what type and how much passive income would you like to be making)
What is your 20 year property portfolio Goal? (i.e how many properties would you like to own, what type and how much passive income would you like to be making)
What questions do you have for the Property Pals that you would like to cover on your coaching call?
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