100 Women Who Care Thompson Charity Nomination Submission Form
This form should be completed by the charity and supported by a 100 Women Who Care Thompson member
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Name of the Charity *
Name, address, phone number & email contact information of Charity Contact Person *
Mission Statement *
Clientele or Population served: *
What will the donated funds be used for? (This is your elevator pitch. If your charity is chosen, this no-longer-than-100-word pitch will be distributed to our members. Make it good!) *
Is the charity a registered not-for-profit charity *
Is the charity able to provide tax receipts? *
Charity must be able to provide tax receipts or have access to another organization who can issue the tax receipts on your behalf.
If selected, the cheques are to be made payable to: *
Rules for Charity
If selected as winning charity you must be able to provide official tax receipts within 30 days. A member of the executive can pick up receipts to save money on postage.

If selected as one of the top three charities, someone from the charity must present to the membership on how the funds will be utilized if they are the successful candidate.

The charity agrees to keep all contact information, names, email addresses, etc. confidential.

The charity agrees that the funds will remain in Thompson, will be used to benefit programs locally and will not be used for administrative costs.

If selected, someone from the charity must be available to speak at the subsequent meeting and describe the impact of the donated funds.
Name and email contact of 100 Women Who Care member nominating charity: *
If you have any comments/questions/concerns, feel free to add it below.
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