DO not use: James River Women Participation Form
As of January 2025 we have a NEW Form - please follow the link here.

James River Women (JRW) is dedicated to supporting and promoting the inclusion of female and femme-identifying people within the river paddling community. Currently, JRW is operating under the umbrella of the James River Outdoor Coalition (JROC), whose mission revolves around park improvement and education.
James River Women seeks to expand access to the James River Park System, and more specifically, the James River, by supporting access to water paddling sport to those who may not otherwise have the means or support to get involved.

All participants must be at least 18 years of age. If a participant is under 18, their parent or guardian must complete the waiver and photo release form and be present at the drop off and pick up of the child or have spoken to someone at JRW ahead of time to make different arrangements.

The General Information section has to be filled out every time you join us for a lap. If you want to borrow gear that section needs to be completed each time you plan to participate in a lap. 

Borrowing Gear - We need at least 48 hours notice to lend gear so that transportation can be arranged. Gear will be leased out using a lottery system. You will receive a confirmation email if we are able to provide your requested gear. That email will be sent at 2 days before the lap. You will be required to confirm you are still attending within 24 hours otherwise you will forfeit your gear reservation and we will move to the next person on the list. 

If you haven't previously filled out the Waiver and Photo Release, please do that as well. We do need this waiver completed annually. 
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