2023 ESA Meeting Feedback: Student Volunteers (Paper Sessions)
Please let us know how each session you helped with went. Please complete this form once for each session. We read all of your feedback to help us improve the meeting. Thank you for your help keeping our sessions running smoothly.
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Your Name *
What day and time was the session? *
Which type of session? *
Which specific session was it? (ex: SYMP 1) *
Did the laptop and projector work ok? If you needed to contact tech support, how did that go?
Were there any problems with the room? Anything other than the laptop and projector, such as noise, lights, screen position.
If this was a hybrid session, do you have any recommendations for us about how to run these sessions more effectively in the future? Especially regarding volunteer roles, but in general as well.
What was the average attendance? A rough estimate is ok. *
How did the session go? Any general comments?
Is there anything you would recommend we change next year?
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