[Olympia Zine Fest] 2025 Tabling Application

Use this form to apply as a vendor at the OZF tabling expo!
- Saturday, May 31
- 11 am to 4 pm (setup at 10am)
- The Olympia Center (222 Columbia St NW, Olympia WA)
- Masks are strongly encouraged and will be provided

This application will close on March 3rd at 11:59pm.  
You will receive a response about your application via email by the end of March.

*Table fee payment is expected promptly after notification in order to confirm your spot.*
Half-table = $30
Full table (distros/libraries only) = $45

If you have any questions, get in touch at 

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Name: *
What city/town do you live in or spend the most time? *
Are you part of a marginalized community? *
If yes, see next question. This helps us carry out our mission to highlight underrepresented creators.
If you answered yes to the question above, please tell us more here:
Do you want a half table or a full table? *
Full tables are for Libraries and Distros *only*. To split a table, each of you should apply separately for a half table. Tables will be first-come, first-served unless prior arrangements have been made.
Email you check regularly: *
For communication purposes.
Name you'd like listed on website/in program, if different from above:
Can include distro, small press name, or organization.
Please submit a short bio of yourself. *
Choose one category that best describes the zines you will be tabling. *
Tell us about THREE zines that will be at your table. List the titles and include a description for each. *
Website or social media link:
Choose whichever one best highlights your work.
Do you have any accessibility needs or requests?
Note: Space is ADA accessible with automatic doors and some fluorescent lights. Limited parking lot, but street parking is free on Saturdays.
We ask that zines make up at least 75% of your merchandise at your table. *
Anything else?
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