Stroud Valley Community School PTFA - 2022 Parent Survey
The Parent, Teacher & Friend’s Association (PTFA) is an independent charity, run by volunteers, to raise money for Stroud Valley Community School. With your support, we raise thousands of pounds every year for class activities, new school equipment and other extras at the school. We also run events and activities to strengthen connections between parents, families and the school.
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Have you taken part in any of these in the last year?
If you didn’t take part in many PTFA activities, what stopped you taking part?
How do you get school and PTFA news?
Are there PFTA events you would like to see run in 2023? Please write in your suggestions below.
Do you have any other comments you would like to share on PTFA activities?

Do you have 2 - 5 hours a term you could offer to help by getting involved in just one of the PTFA fundraising events or activities?

If yes or maybe, please make sure you include your contact details below...
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Do you have any particular skills, resources or connections you could offer to support the PTFA?
For example, do you have access to free printing, a good contact for raffle prizes, art & design skills, building experience, or anything else that might support fundraising activities...

Your Name

Child's class
Phone number
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