Project Phoenix Survey
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey prepared by Team Project Phoenix (TPP). We are interested in hearing your feedback for an upcoming project we are working on.
We want to build a platform that will ease users daily interaction with information and service.
Your views is of critical importance to us so please, take your time to fill the survey out and give us your most honest opinions.
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1. Are you a person who gets out frequently? *
2. If you answered 'No' to the above question, can you please specify the reason(s)? *
3. If you answered 'Yes' to the first question, how frequently do you explore new spots or places in your city or town?

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4. Do you like to visit new places alone or with companions?
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5. What type of places are you most interested in exploring?

6. How important is it for you to have accurate and
up-to-date information about the places you want to visit?
7.  What kind of information would you like to see about each place? (Select all that apply)

8. How would you prefer to search for spots?

9. Would you like the ability to filter places based on certain criteria? If yes, what criteria would you find useful? (e.g., price range, cuisine type, amenities, etc.) *
10. How important is it for you to be able to interact with service providers? (e.g., making reservations, placing orders, contacting customer support)
11. How would you like to receive the information you need? *
12.  Are there any additional features or services you would like to see that would enhance your experience? *
13. How likely are you to recommend such a service to your friends or family if it meets your expectations?
14. Is there any other feedback or suggestions you would like to provide to help us improve the service idea? *
Please share your mobile number so we can contact you for feedback. *
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