A-town Throw-down Team Info Collection (5/14/2022)
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Email *
First name of teacher or coach: *
Last name of teacher or coach: *
School or association: *
School/Team Number (if you have one)
The number of your team, for example 86624 (your team number is also the number that is on all of your robots).  Your team number should NOT contain a letter.
Number of robots competing: *
Do you have your own VEX IQ game board (field)? If so, how many? *
Unfortunately, we do not have enough game boards, so if you are able to lend up one, it would be much appreciated.  (We will fully coordinate transportation and assembly of all game boards, so all we need from you is permission to borrow it!) Thanks so much for helping support this event!
Check the box below to confirm that you would like to attend A-town Throw-down *
Would you like to order Pizza through the event?
If you would like to order lunch through us, we would be more than happy to deliver pizza directly to your team at the competition.  All Pizzas are $15 each and will be delivered directly to the event.
If you do not wish to order pizza, simply select "0" below.
Number of Large cheese pizzas (10 slices each) - $15 per pizza *
Number of Large pepperoni pizzas (10 slices each) - $15 per pizza. *
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