Apply for One-on-One AI Training
Keen to improve your AI skills with us? Great decision!

'Our Achieve and Accelerate with AI' sessions provide 3 hours of personalised AI training for only AUD$997+GST.

Focusing on prompt engineering in ChatGPT and similar GenAI tools, these hands-on sessions are particularly effective for beginners/intermediates who want to enhance their business strategy and content marketing with AI. Run online via Zoom, the training includes a customised Prompt eGuide to use during and after the session.

With limited spots available each month, we kindly ask you to fill out the application form below regarding your training objectives, current level of AI understanding, and availability. 

This will help us in 3 ways:

* Check we're the right fit for each other
* Craft a bespoke training session that aligns perfectly with your requirements and maximises the impact of AI in your day-to-day role
* Find dates/times that suit everyone involved

After receiving your application, we'll respond within 48 business hours. We'll then suggest some dates for your session, flick over an upfront 50% invoice to secure your spot, and go from there.

I know we're going to have a lot of fun together. Can't wait!

Leanne Shelton
AI Queen (aka CEO)

P.S. Have questions? Feel free to flick me an email at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Phone Number
First Name *
Last Name  *
Business Name
Website URL
Have you previously attended any AI training? If yes, what did you attend and when? *
Have you used any AI tools before? If so, which tools and what have you used them for? *
What problems are you trying to solve with AI? *
What knowledge would you like to gain from this session? Any skills you'd like to improve or practise? *
What are three key things you'd like to take away from this session? *
What do you want to start/stop/continue doing (or do differently) with the help of AI? *
Following the session, are you interested in ongoing AI support and training to keep up-to-date with fast-moving advancements?
When would you like to have your training session? (Choose all that apply)
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