Rutgers Formula Racing General Interest Meeting Signups
Fill out this form to attend our General Interest Meeting!

If want to know more about what we do, visit our website!

The meeting will consist of a 30 minute presentation in Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering Room 105 followed by a tour of our brand new $7M shop and a team meet and greet!

Feel free to join the slack and introduce yourself as well as receive updates about the team:

If you have any questions reach out to our email:
Email *
First Name *
Last name *
Net ID

Incoming Class for 2024 *
Major: *
Pick a general interest meeting to attend!
Both take place in the Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering on Busch Campus
How did you hear about us?
What do you want to get out of RFR?
Please answer as best as you can as this helps better guide our new member process for the upcoming year
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