22au Mid-Quarter Feedback Form
Hi! Now that we're halfway through the quarter, we would like to hear from you guys about how we're doing so far. Our goal is to make this course the best it can and to do so we need your feedback. Feel free to express yourself here as this form is completely anonymous. Thanks!
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Section Feedback
What section do you attend? *
How difficult is section content? *
How is the pacing of section? *
What are we doing well that you want us to continue doing in section?
What would you like to see more of in section?
What would you like to see less of in section?
What other feedback do you have for section?
Course Topics Feedback
What topics from the course have been going well for you? (Which topics do you understand, the explanations were clear, etc.)
What topics from the course have been going poorly for you? (Which topics are challenging, the explanations were unclear, etc.)
Any other feedback on course topics?
Assignment Feedback
Midterm, Projects, and Exercises :)
How was the midterm content?
Super Easy
Super Challenging
Clear selection
How was the midterm's length?
Very Short
Too Long
Clear selection
Any other feedback on the midterm?
How is Project 2 so far?
Any outstanding thoughts on any of the exercises? (Things that were unclear, too hard, not useful, etc.) *
Course Staff Availability
How available do you feel like the course staff is?
Very Reachable
Very Unavailable
Clear selection
What other feedback do you have for staff availability?
Lecture Feedback
How difficult is lecture content?
Clear selection
How is the pacing of lecture?
Too Slow
Too Fast
Clear selection
How are Professor Anderson's explanations?
What other feedback do you have for lecture?
Thank you for completing this form!
Below is space for (optional) feedback that didn't fit into any other categories.
Any other feedback?
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