Payment Plan Request Form
Submit this form to receive the electronic paperwork (via Docusign) for a payment plan. If you are able to pay off your balance now then please refer to our payment page to make a payment:

You should expect Terrie ( to reach out to you via email within 48 hours to begin to work through your individual situation. Please understand that we might not have all of the answers right away, but we are committed to helping our members through this difficult time.

Please refer to our COVID-19 amended payment plan policy to see if it's possible for your situation.

17.11 Payment Plans:
Members are expected to pay all rent and charges when due.  A payment plan is available under certain circumstances.  The following criteria outline CH policy:

17.11.1 Payment plans are available to members with more than $300 owed, or to members who believe they will owe more than $300 in the coming months due to COVID-19. Requestors must meet these criteria:
a. They must show proof of income or ability to pay, or provide documentation of loss of work due to COVID-19. Proof of income can be paystubs or a letter from an employer, written verification from a guarantor, or updated/recent documentation of financial aid. The same forms of documentation can be used for loss of income.
b. The plan must allow for the debt to be paid off before or by the end of a semester (likely fall 2020).
c. Member may not request a payment plan more than once in a fiscal year (June 1 - May 31), unless it is COVID-19 related. Requesting a payment plan now will not jeopardize your ability to receive an additional payment plan in fiscal year 2020-2021.
d. Members requesting a payment plan should consider ways to lower their monthly rent, like moving from a single room to a double room. (not at this time)
e. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Executive Director.

17.11.2 Requests must be on the approved request form.
a. The form must be signed by the ED.
b. The form will be filed in the member’s folder.

17.11.3 Late fees will accrue during the payment plan until all debt is paid, unless your financial hardship is related to COVID-19. In that case, late fees will be waived.

17.11.4 Missed payments will cause the member to be in default and liable for immediate eviction for non-payment of rent.

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Do you understand the policy above? *
If you do not think you can complete an electronic Payment Plan Form, then please reach out to Terrie via email at
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