月光川蒸留所ウィスキー販売店のご登録Registration form for importers and wholesalers

This is a pre-registration form for businesses (liquor stores, wholesalers, importers, etc.) who wish to sell whisky of Gakkogawa Distillery.
We will check the contents and contact you at a later date only if we can do business with you. Please note that due to the limited production volume, we may not always be able to fulfill your request.
All personal information will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

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Email *
法人名 Company Name *
ご住所 Office Address
業種 Business Type
ウェブサイト Website URL
If you have a corporate website or e-commerce site, please enter it.
特記事項 Special Remarks
Please describe the characteristics of your company including the products you handle, your whisky sales record and your strengths.

希望数量(ブレンデッドモルト)Desired Allocation Quantity for Blended Malt



Please let us know the annual quantity of blended Malt whisky you want to be allocated, in cases(12 bottles = 1 case). The product is expected to be released around August 2027 with a retail price of JPY 5,000-6,000 in Japan. *The price is subject to change depending on circumstances.

希望数量(シングルモルト)Desired Allocation Quantity for Single Malt Whisky

取り扱いを希望されるシングルモルトウイスキーの年間数量をケース単位で教えてください。なお、シングルモルトウイスキーの発売は2027年以降で、価格は12,000~15, 000円を想定しています。※状況により変更する可能性があります。
Please let us know the annual quantity of single malt whisky you want to be allocated, in cases. Please note that our single malt whisky will not be released until 2027, with a retail price of JPY 12,000-15,000 in Japan. *The release timing and the price are subject to change depending on circumstances.
樽販売について Interest in Purchasing by the Barrel
We may accept reservations for purchase by the barrel. Please let us know if you have a purchase request.
楯の川酒造との取引 Existing Transactions
Have you ever done business with Tatenokawa?
ご担当者様のお名前 Name of Person in Charge
ご担当者様メールアドレス E-mail address of Person in Charg
ご担当者様のメールアドレスをご記入ください。 ※ PCメールのみ。携帯のアドレスは不可。
ご担当者様 電話番号  Phone Number of Person in Charge
その他 Other Comments
Please feel free to provide any additional comments.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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