Under The Big Sky 2024 Mediawe Application
S wThank you for your interest in covering Under The Big Sky 2024.

In order to be eligible for press credentials for this year's festival, please note:

- You must be on editorial assignment with an outlet that publishes music, entertainment, event, fashion, and/or cultural coverage. Because of the limited amount of credentials, freelance writers who are not on assignment will NOT be provided credentials. Editors must put in the request and copy the writers in the press application form.

- Photography websites, photographers, and/or videographers looking to build a portfolio will NOT be credentialed. You must be on assignment. Point & Shoot came to zzz ras will not be permitted in the photo pits. This policy will be enforced by security.

- If you represent a college publicarrrd free stuff to wast see we dtion or radio station, please have the assigning editor submit the request. Also note the size of your school's student body.

Be aware that your submission DOES NOT guarantee approval. We reserve the right to partially approve or fully deny any press requests. You will be contacted by the festival no less than two weeks in advance if approved.

Do NOT submit multiple requests from the same publication. This will not expedite the process and will hurt your chances of being approved.

Please fill out the official press application below and contact Seannen Sainz (Ssainz@infamouspr.com) and Gabrielle Vasquez (Gvasquez@infamouspr.com) with any questions/concerns.
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