HWG Sock Distro Registration Form
DSA SF's Homelessness Working Group is currently organizing a sock distribution, and continuing our chapter’s efforts directed toward connecting with our homeless neighbors. We'll be training chapter members about our specific approach to mutual aid and street solidarity, as well as building capacity for this and more expansive mutual aid projects coming up in the near future! 

Use this registration form if you want to get involved. We are still scaling up car and training capacity so there are limited spots for these initial distributions.  When you fill out the form we'll reach out to you with next steps!
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Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Are you a member of DSA? *
Do you have a car that you could use to help us with this project, IE: Go out on distribution? *
Which of these dates might you be available?  *
Thank you for your interest! We'll get back to you shortly. Please feel free to add any questions or comments in the space below. 
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