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Please submit a character you want me to make on Janitor AI! It can be anyone, anything, etc.! Please note that in the bio/description section of the bot, it will say requested! If you would like it to say 'Requested by Anonymous' please specify! If you would like it to say 'Requested by (your user)' please specify! Thank you so much! *note that I am a new creator on this platform and would love criticism!*
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Bot/character Name! (what would you like the name of it to be?) *Please don't do a character that already exists on my profile, if you want it to be a p.o.v of the opposite gender from the OG, specify.* *
Scenario (describe what is going to be going on) example: johnny cade is in the lot and you show up.
Discord/Snapchat Username (only for contact purposes on the bot, I'll use my throwaway snap/discord for all contact🙂)
Would you like the description of the bot to say anonymous? *
If you went to this, please input your Janitor AI username! If you want it to be anonymous, please just put N/A! <3 *
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