Waiting List - Young Entrepreneur Market Bloomington Normal (YEMBN)


Event Details:

Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025

Set-up: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (all registrants must check-in by noon)

Market: 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Clean-up: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location: Corpus Christi Catholic School, 1909 E. Lincoln Street, Bloomington, IL 61704

More details:  www.yembn.com.

Are you 5-17 years of age with a business idea, talent, or skill you want to share with the community? If so, we encourage you to register for the Young Entrepreneur Market to get a real world experience in selling your products, goods, and/or services. Your offering can be handmade or store bought. It can be a hobby or an established business. Big or small, we encourage all children ages 5-17 with a desire to own your own business to participate.

Young Entrepreneurs are responsible for set up, customer interactions, sales, and clean-up. Parents/guardians are required to accompany any child under 14 years old, but we expect the young entrepreneurs to do as much as possible by themselves. 

Some examples of products include keychains, recycled golf balls, tie dye shirts, candles, soap, waterproof stickers, jewelry, stationary, art pieces, collectibles, candy, and more. Services may include gift wrapping, custom portraits, personalized signs, etc. 

Prizes will be awarded for Best Booth per age level at the event so get creative.

Level 1: 5-8 years old

Level 2: 9-11 years old

Level 3: 12-14 years old

Level 4: 15-17 years old

Optional:  Submit a video pitching your business for a chance at $250. Videos are due April 2-4, 2024.


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Email *
Please join us...
Parent/Guardian's Name *
Parent/Guardian's Email *
Parent/Guardian's Phone # *
Does your child/children have permission to participate in the Young Entrepreneur Market on Saturday, April 13th? *
If you will not be accompanying your entrepreneur(s) under the age of 14 at the event, please list the name, email, and phone # of the adult that will be joining entrepreneur(s).   *
Enter all children's names (5-17 years old) in your immediate family that plan to participate at the same booth. Any other participants (5-17 years old) that plan to help sell must register separately with a parent/guardian's permission. One business name per booth. Please limit 4 children and 1 adult per booth.
#1 Young Entrepreneur First and Last Name: *
#1 Young Entrepreneur's Age: *
#2 Young Entrepreneur First and Last Name:
#2 Young Entrepreneur's Age:
#3 Young Entrepreneur First and Last Name:
#3 Young Entrepreneur's Age:
#4 Young Entrepreneur First and Last Name:
#4 Young Entrepreneur's Age:
Young Entrepreneur's Business Name - One Business per Booth: *
Website, FB and/or IG Handles (if applicable) *
Please select your booth size: *
Business Highlight - Please use the space below to share 3-5 sentences about your business. Then email at least 4 pictures of your products/goods/services to communitylabllc@gmail.com for your business highlight. *
Do we have permission to use photos provided to us or taken during the event to support/promote young entrepreneurs and their business?  *
Electricity is not guaranteed, but may be available depending on the location of your booth. Extension cords must be provided by young entrepreneur. *
Will your Entrepreneur(s) be participating in the Business Pitch Competition (www.yembn.com for more details) with a chance to win a prize or prizes. Videos will be due April 3-5. *
Additional Comments or Requests
Tips for Setting Up Your Booth
There are simple ways of using recycled or existing items to bring life to your booth.

Make it eye catching and easy for your customers to see everything and not over accessorize. Make items clearly visible, keep it balanced with just enough product out at once. 

Greet customers with a smile. Always be respectful, courteous and grateful.

Vendor Agreement

This Agreement is made effective as of the date of your electronic signature, by and between the Young Entrepreneur or Parent/Guardian of Young Entrepreneur, the Vendor, and Community Lab, LLC
, the Organizers.

The Organizers agree to provide space for the Vendor to conduct business on April 13, 2024, at Corpus Christi Catholic School between 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Vendor is responsible for:

1. Cleaning and maintaining the space provided in an organized and neat manner. 
2. All displays in the building must be free standing. Nothing may attach to walls, columns, or doors.
3. Ensuring proper quality of the products sold. (The following products are not allowed at the Young Entrepreneur Market:  Homemade food without a Cottage Food License; Products/services that promote political views, profanity, sexuality, or other mature content; Illegal products and services; and Weapons or look-a-like weapons of any kind.)
4. The Organizers accept no liability for lost, stolen or damaged property and is not required to carry additional insurance to cover Vendor's property.
5. No pets of any kind are allowed at the event. Service animals are permitted.

Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold Organizers harmless from all claims, losses, expenses, fees including attorney fees, costs, and judgements that may be asserted against Organizers. Vendor is solely responsible for insuring all applicable laws are followed and complied with in selling and presenting Vendor's products and services at the Event.

If performance of this Agreement or any obligation under this Agreement is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by causes beyond either party's reasonable control ("Force Majeure"), and if the party unable to carry out its obligations gives the other party prompt written notice of such event, then the obligations of the party invoking this provision shall be suspended to the extent necessary by such event. The term Force Majeure shall include, without limitation, acts of God, plague, epidemic, pandemic, outbreaks of infectious disease or any other public health crisis, including quarantine or other employee restrictions, fire, explosion, vandalism, storm or other similar occurrence, orders or acts of military or civil authority, or by national emergencies, insurrections, riots, or wars, or strikes, lock-outs. The excused party shall use reasonable efforts under the circumstances to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance and shall proceed to perform with reasonable dispatch whenever such causes are removed or ceased. An act or omission shall be deemed within the reasonable control of a party if committed, omitted, or caused by such party, or its employees, officers, agents, or affiliates.

Any controversies or disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by binding arbitration in accordance with the then-current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The parties shall select a mutually acceptable arbitrator knowledgeable about issues relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. In the event the parties are unable to agree to such a selection, each party will select an arbitrator and the two arbitrators in turn shall select a third arbitrator. all three of whom shall preside jointly over the matter. The arbitration shall take place at a location that is reasonably centrally located between the parties, or otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties. All documents, materials, and information in the possession of each party that are in any way relevant to the dispute shall be made available to the other party for review and copying no later than 30 days after the notice of arbitration is served. The arbitrator(s) shall not have the authority to modify any provision of this Agreement or to award punitive damages. The arbitrator(s) shall have the power to issue mandatory orders and restraint orders in connection with the arbitration. The decision rendered by the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding on the parties, and judgment may be entered in conformity with the decision in any court having jurisdiction. The agreement in arbitration shall be specifically enforced under the prevailing arbitration law. During the continuance of any arbitration proceeding, the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this Agreement.

This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties, and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between the parties. 

If any provision of this Agreement will be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision will be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.

This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois.

Neither party may assign or transfer this Agreement without the prior written consent of the non-assigning party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

I understand any/all booth fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. 
Young Entrepreneurs will produce their own inventory and not sell their parents'/guardians' goods or services. *
Please type your full name and the date below to indicate that you accept and agree to all terms on this application. This will constitute as your electronic signature.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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