The Student Dance Factory Try-out class form
Nice to hear that you are interested in our classes and that you would like to take a try-out class! When you are considering to become a member of the student dance factory, you are allowed to take one free try-out class. This means that you can try-out in contemporary or open style (previously referred to as urban). Via this form you can let us know in which class you would like to participate. There are limited try-out spots available for each class so therefore we will send you an email after receiving this form in which we will tell you the availability. Once we have received a confirmation from you, you are on the try-out list!
The times of both classes are:
Open style (previously referred to as urban): 20.00-21.00
Contemporary: 21.05-22.05
Both classes take place at sportshall the Vlinder (located next to the Pantarijn).
We are looking forward to seeing you in class! ππΌππΌππΌ