Prague Bears - We want to improve
We still would like to improve ourselves.  Always - at least a little bit.
We encourage you to think about of what we do and to give us some tips for what could be done better.

The questionnaire is anonymous, but you can optionally leave your contact at the end.
We really appreciate if you fill it ever again after an event you will have attended.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
1 - Name (date) of the last event you have attended *
2 - What from our activities you find exceptionally good?
3 - What activities of Prague Bears could be done better?
4 - Would you have some additional suggestions, comments or any message for us?
Name or e-mail
If you do not mind, we encourage you to leave your contact here. If you wish to remain anonymous we respect it so leave the answer blank.
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