Faith Form 1.
Survey on your faith.
Please be honest.
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Are you a Christian?
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How old are you?
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What are you?
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How often do you go to church?
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How often do you pray?
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How often do you read the bible?
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How often do you worship God? (In music)
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What do you currently do in your church/youth?
If you do not participate in any, what would motivate you more into it?
If someone was to hurt you in any way, how much would you forgive them?
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If you were asked for some money for food from the poor, what would you do?
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Do you give people second chances?
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Thank you so much for taking the time and filling out this form!! It is important to think about how we are living out our faith in Christ. God gives us many chances, and forgives us many times. He always has time for us. He helps us and provides for us when we are in need. Don't you think we should do the same on this earth? To share God's love even to people that do not know who God is? We may be the only bible people read, time to live it out! // Would you be interested in filling out more forms like this one?
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