Membership Sign-Up Form
Please enter information for (each of) your business(es) below. If you have more than one business, you will need to fill out a second form. Once you submit your first form, you will have the option to click on a link to submit another form.

If you're a current member and simply renewing this year - besides your name, you may type the word "SAME" in the fields on the form and we'll keep your current info the same.

In November, our treasurer sends our renewal invoices for the upcoming calendar year. Membership cost is $175/year. Additional businesses can be added for $87.50 each. Non-Profit entities and Friends of the Chamber may join or renew for $50/year. You may remit payment for dues via PayPal: then click "SEND MONEY."
Or, you may send a check to: Glen Lake Chamber,  PO Box 217, Glen Arbor MI 49636

You will work with our Marketing Director, Raquel Jackson, (517)518-4413 to get your business represented online in the Directory on 
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Email *
Membership Options *
Please choose one of the membership options for which you will be filling information out for in the form to follow. If you have more than one business or listing to add, please fill out the form more than once.
Business or Organization Name *
Business Phone *
Public Business Email Address *
Chamber Membership Point of Contact Person *
Winter Contact Info (if different)
Business Address *
Business website address
Email address (for Member Email Newsletter and renewal communication) *
Facebook page address
(i.e. or page URL
Instagram Page
(i.e. @VisitGlenArbor) or page URL
Other Social Platform Links:
(Such as Twitter or other social media links you'd like included in your business listing)
Business Category *
Please choose which category best fits your business type. You may select more than one category to be listed in mulitple spots, only if that makes sense.
Business Description *
Please write a description of your business/offerings for visitors here. We may edit/shorten the copy as needed. This description will be used in the Directory, online.
"Plan Your Wedding" Business Offerings Description
If your business has any product or service that is related to weddings, add it to this block. This additional description will be added FREE of charge to members on our “Plan Your Wedding“ page, and also added to your business listing. See what others are doing here:
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