Eyal Lerner PROJECTS
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Israeli born Eyal Lerner is an eclectic artist who loves in Italy from 1995 and works as a recorder player, singer, choir and theatre director, coach for teachers, young amateurs, professional actors and musicians.

 Already as a young recorder player he won prestigious competitions playing in chamber and solo music formations and as a soloist with orchestras (including the Israeli Philharmonic) while making his first steps as a music teacher.

 He is the creator of representations for the spread of Jewish culture and for the development of a culture of peace through intercultural and interreligious musical dialogue.

 He proposes laboratory activities for schools through shows about the themes of classical music, Jewish music and history of the last century.  The international seminar "MEMORY AND TEACHING FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF HOLOCAUST AND PEACE EDUCATION" organized in 2016 by the Regional Ministry of Education of Tuscany and the University of Florence, with the participation of 200 professors, is particularly remembered.

 From 2002 to 2006 he took part in some famous Musicals as an actor, singer and musical director: "Fiddler on the Roof", "Fame" and "Gian Burrasca" (a 4 year long tour of about 400 shows).

 In 2009 he wrote and realized the theatrical performances "Sparks of Glory" for the commemoration of the Day of Remembrance and "Flautino", a musical fairy tale in rhymes about the (true) story of the recorder.

 Since 2000 he has directed classical and ethnic choirs, including the Shlomot Choir of Genoa, which he created in 2011, dedicated to Jewish music.

 In 2013 he was a teacher of recorder and ethnic music at the Valbonne Conservatory (France).

 In recent years he has been touring all of Italy with his "Progetto Memoria", already sponsored by numerous institutions, proposing various seminars and educational shows about the Memory of the Jewish people, the Political non Jewish Deportation, the Resistance, the IIWW and the Holocaust dedicated mostly to schools, involving  so far around 50,000 pupils (also in Germany, Poland and Austria) of which numerous as witnesses and protagonists through singing, playing, narrating and dancing.  The particular personal and professional path of Lerner that led him to dedicate himself to the Remembrance, helping youngsters become protagonists of a new future was presented by him at TedXGenova.

 Recently he has resumed his experience in the field of classical music both as an interpretation coach and as a performer forming the "Sweet Airs Duo", with the well-known accordionist Nadio Marenco.  At the same time he resumed his long collaboration with the Lebanese musician Ghazi Makhoul with the show "Voices of Peace" which debuted in the year 2000.

 He offers courses for teachers on the enhancement of the Voice, on the teaching of the recorder, on choral singing and on the didactic power of the multi disciplinarity of the arts.  All his courses include active participation in the deepening of the various disciplines.

 His activity and his personal growth path have always been motivated by a strong sense of harmony and sharing among many collaborators, creating bridges between different disciplines, generations, ethnic groups and religions, professionals and amateurs, where each project is an opportunity to bring upon positivity, dynamism and hope.

Between 2020 and 2023 he was a German resident teaching the Performing Arts in the Neue Schule Wolfsburg. In these years he has developed, produced and staged 8 different theatrical Shows with numerous local students as actors and musicians.

MEMORIA (since 2014)
Over a long and deep professional and personal experience, I have discovered that the dynamics of the performing arts are applicable to didactic courses dedicated to the Remembrance where young students are able to find new expressive, emotional, intellectual and humane capabilities. Through intense and quickly paced workshops, it is
possible to leave a positive mark that will last a lifetime. The didactic course culminates in a show where the students are protagonists and witnesses of both the complete personal journey and of the Remembrance itself. This gives the students a concrete and liberating demonstration of their capabilities, strong self esteem and hope. Thanks to the harmonious quality and energy of the work group (the “company”) which they are part of, individual students (of any ethnicity, age or field of study), starting from their own limits, succeed in knowing themselves and their particular gifts better, even the hidden ones. This happens while working and collaborating within a collective. This experience replicates a social model in which the reciprocity of doing good is the fruit of many unique individuals and it can be utilized within the family, among friends and in society in general. The theme of the Remembrance, above all that of the Holocaust, of Nazi fascism and of the Resistance and non Jewish Political Deportation helps not only to connect the past to the future, rendering them relevant and present, but it also leaves a legacy for constructing new Remembrances of humane and concrete significance.

"Memoria" IN GERMANY:

"Progetto Memoria" in ITALY

Translation in ENGLISH

Wolfsburg 2020
English subtitles: "caption"
Back and on stage
The Show (Italian Version)
Eyal LERNER - flutes, singing, narration
Nadio MARENCO - accordion

SWEET AIRS DUO is unique. Starting with the originality of being a flute-accordion duo, both types of wind instruments, but extremely different from each other, they are united by belonging to "non-cultured music". The recorder or Sweet Flute, was relegated mainly to popular music after the golden age of the Baroque era, and only since the 1900s has it been rediscovered by classical composers. The accordion is an instrument especially associated with folklore and folk dance but today is also considered a fascinating classical instrument. It is characterized by countless timbral and stylistic possibilities thanks to the sonic range of its many registers.

The Italian name “Flauto Dolce” or "Sweet Flute" highlights its characteristic of reproducing melodious sounds, the German name "Blockflute" or “Blockflute” emphasizes its almost primitive simplicity, while the English name "Recorder" recalls its ability to imitate the sounds of birds and, finally, the Greek name "aulòs", referring to the mythical double-barreled flute that was broken in two by the god Apollo.

The name "Fisarmonica" from the Greek "physa harmonikòs" means harmonic breath, a clear reference to the main feature of the instrument while the English name "accordion" means without strings.


In their VARIOUS shows, the SWEET AIRS DUO offers up versions of well known pieces, by authors from different periods and places, but innovatively reworked with deep research and originality. Their singularity is a result of the extremely theatrical nature of their arrangements as well as their performances.


Both Lerner and Marenco come from a background of classical preparation which then extended into jazz, ethnic, contemporary, theater and cinematographic music. They light up their musical programs with entertaining and engaging storytelling moments. Perhaps their greatest strength lies in the extreme virtuosity they display on their respective instruments which is deeply expressive and always musical.

CLASSIKLEZMER: ethnic, light classic, cabaret and cinema music
DIVINE DANTE: musical and theatrical show based on the Divine comedy.
SWEET&CLASSIC classical music from mediaeval until nowadays
NOODLES & SPAGHETTI Italian and Jewish culture and music
VOICES OF Peace (since 2000)
A multi religious show with Jewish, Cristian and Arab musicians

Israeli Eyal Lerner and Lebanese Ghazi Makhoul met in Italy in the year 2000. Their common past of unsolved conflicts together with their desire to sharer it and transform it, in some way, into a message of tolerance and hope through their experience as musicians gave life to the show Seasons of Pace.

The show, thanks to the significance of the music, creates a rich and festive encounter between Middle Eastern cultures, exalting both their affinities and differences, in a mutual satisfaction of one another.
Since 2000 the show has been presented in numerous festivals, ethnic music festivals and ecumenical meetings in Italy (including the Basilica of St. Mark of Milan and the Holy See) and abroad,

The new version ot the project invites local choirs to collaborate with the ensemble of soloists.

ITALIAN WEB https://forms.gle/N9rF5on35e57gp3o8
Milan 2009 (eng sub)
Genova 2019 (eng sub)
Vatican 2015
FLAUTINO (since 2009)
A musical/theatrical fairytale about the (real) life of the Recorder

"Flautino" is a delightful musical that captures the attention of young audience members the right from the very beginning (and not only the young ones) engaging them in the adventurous journeys and growth of a young recorder player. On these journeys, supported by a family of stringed instruments, he meets famous composers and magical characters that the audience knows as the story unfolds wonderfully accompanied by the famous music of Vivaldi, Mozart, Paganini, etc. The story is fast paced: The narrator describes the scene and then immediately falls into the role of the character of the moment, the dancers fill the scenery with choreography that is barely contained by the stage, effectively portraying the story and the open spaces, such as the forest. The scenes change quickly as do the costumes of the actors and dancers alike. It’s almost impossible not to sympathize with the flautino through all the challenges that he must face! As in all fables, a happy ending is just around the corner: the flautino finds love in the figure of the Mayor of Hamelin who, incidentally, has just chased away her dishonest administrator in the meantime. The proclaimed goals of the show are myriad: getting to know the recorder (which is often studied in school with little enthusiasm) exploring its potential and making it something enjoyable to the young students while at the same time, transmitting such universal values as friendship, faith in one’s self, the capacity to talk with and listen to others, love etc. Goals that are certainly reached, listening to the enthusiasm of the young audience members and the favorable comments of the teachers who, afterwards in school, have analyzed the show and examined the themes suggested by it.      
Eyal Lerner, the recorder player, has created an enjoyable and engaging work that manages to foster an appreciation of classical music in youngsters with the help of splendid musicians, actors, dancers and a soprano, all of whom quite exceptionally captivate the audience. It’s a show to be recommended that will bring excitement and ideas that give wings to the imagination of the young audience and not least, to make them appreciate and see the recorder that waits for them at school, in a completely new light."
(Marina Dondero - Vice President of the Province of Genova)

ENGLISH WEB https://forms.gle/tAtfzxWCTUnsXabS8
GERMAN WEB https://forms.gle/m2jTfbuLMqC5H2ag6
ITALIAN WEB https://forms.gle/TpLhPm9G8YUPaDA5A
ENG, GER, FR, subtitles: "CC"
Meeting the children
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