Progress Regina - campaign volunteer interest form
Hello! Progress Regina is recruiting volunteers who interested in supporting progressive candidates endorsed by the Regina and District Labour Council (RDLC). Please note that Progress Regina is sharing this list on behalf of the RDLC endorsement committee but was not part of the deliberation process, so any questions about that should be directed to them. There is a possibility that new candidates could be endorsed at a later point in other wards or subdivisions, but this is the current list.

In the form below, you can indicate:
  • if you want to support a specific campaign or whoever needs the most help
  • what skills or experience you'd like to contribute and in what roles
  • what kind of roles you'd like to try out and learn from
If you have any questions about this form please contact us at


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Name *
Pronouns (optional)
Email address *
Phone number *
Please check off all campaigns you are interested in volunteering for *
What times on election day are you available to help out? *
Do you have access to a vehicle on Nov 13? *
If you do not have access to a vehicle on Nov 13, do you have a preference of area of the city to be assigned to? (ex. North, central, east) *
Please select any roles you are interested in having *
Are there any specific roles or skills you are wanting to learn when volunteering?
Any other notes you'd like to add?
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