Positive Home Calculator
Save money & the planet (90 seconds of your time tops!).
What you get out of this survey for FREE:
  • Your savings' estimates in: money, energy and water
  • Your home energy & water costs estimates today
  • List of energy efficency upgrades
  • Tips and estimates on how to make your home unique
You're just 15 clicks away from saving money & the planet.
Let's start!

(Since you will be receiving all the above in your email inbox; by filling in this form you're accepting our privacy policy)
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What's your name? *
Do you need to let the shower water run before it's warm enough? (hey, no judgements, we just want you to save water and money)
Do you cook on gas?
Do you have less than 4 rooms (apart from kitchen bathroom)? *
Do you have heating? *
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