OWCA Webinar Series 2024 Presenter Application

The Online Writing Centers Association (OWCA) is seeking presenters for our upcoming 2024 webinar series. Presenters receive the support of OWCA and a modest stipend of $100 for your presentation and labor. We will give priority to proposals submitted by Friday, March 29th.

OWCA webinars provide a space to share experiences, ideas, strategies, and questions about online writing centers. Most OWCA webinars are open to a public audience. They are presented via Zoom, recorded for posterity, and the recordings remain accessible to OWCA members and the public through our website. You can read more about OWCA webinars, access recordings, and review materials from past webinar presentations on the OWCA website’s Event Archive.

OWCA webinars are typically scheduled for one hour and incorporate both presentation and participation elements. A typical webinar will include a presentation on a given topic for approximately the first half of the hour and an interactive discussion or activity for the second half of the hour, emphasizing practical takeaways for audiences looking to implement new ideas in their writing centers. As the Online Writing Centers Association, we particularly value webinar topics specific to the unique affordances and constraints of online writing tutoring. Additionally, we encourage webinar topics that would benefit a tutor audience as some organizations use our webinars as a form of professional development. You can review samples of successful webinar proposals here.

We welcome applications from anyone in the broader online writing centers community. As part of our organization’s commitment to anti-racism, we particularly encourage applications from writing center scholars and practitioners of diverse backgrounds. 

You do not have to be an OWCA member to submit an application or to present; however, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits of OWCA membership.

If the OWCA Virtual Events Committee selects your application, committee members will collaborate with you to prepare accessible materials for the webinar presentation; you can find examples of accessible materials on our conference site. The OWCA is committed to providing accessible professional development opportunities to the online writing centers community. All webinar presentations include simultaneous ASL interpretation.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the Virtual Events Committee at events@onlinewritingcenters.org.
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Name *
Email *
Co-Presenter Names & Emails (if any)
Institutional or organizational affiliation (e.g., University of Location) *
Are you currently an OWCA member? *
Please provide a concise (no more than 250 words) summary of your proposed webinar. This proposal should include your proposed topic, the general format of the webinar (e.g., lecture, kinds of activities you might include, Q & A), and what takeaways attendees can expect from attending the webinar. (Note: we understand that the final webinar will likely deviate from your initial proposal.) *
During what month(s) would you be available to present your webinar? Select the months that you know will work for you, and, if your proposal is chosen, the committee will work with you to determine an exact date and time.
Do you have any specific accessibility requirements or concerns?
Do you have any additional questions or concerns to share with the Virtual Events Committee?
Thanks very much for your application!
The Virtual Events Committee will inform all applicants of decisions.
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