Westside CoHousing Collective Expression of Interest
Expression of interest form
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What is your name? *
What is your preferred contact number? *
What suburb do you currently live in?
What are your top 3 suburbs or towns that you would like to live in? *
How long have you been aware of cohousing as a concept? 
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What shared community amenities would you find valuable? 
What other services/exchanges interest you?
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Are there any specific features you would like to see incorporated into this project?
Why are you interested in joining a project like this? What drew you to cohousing? *
How many people are/will be in your household? *
Do you expect any of the people in your household will be children?
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Do you have any pets?
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If you do have pets what type of pets do you have?
Which of the following descriptions most closely matches your situation?
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There will be a range of dwelling sizes in this project. Below are indicative sizes (noting the dwelling sizes are internal living space - excluding balconies & garage). *
What sort of home would you prefer? *
How many car spaces do you think you would need? *
What is the total maximum amount you want to spend on your dwelling?  *
How much equity capital are you able to contribute to the project (cash investment) for your dwelling during the planning and construction phase (next 3-4 years)? 

As this is a resident led co-development, while the community is being built, members of the Collective will need to pay for the land and other costs during the development phase from their own equity capital. 

When the homes are completed, members will either pay out what we have borrowed (debt capital) for their dwelling in cash (eg. via the sale of another property) or get a Home Loan. 
Would you be prepared to invest additional equity capital in the project over and above the equity capital required during the planning and construction phase for your dwelling? 

Your money would be repaid by the project at an agreed interest rate.
Noting this project will take around 4 years to complete, when do you feel you would be ready to commit to this project? *
Would you like us to register you for the next information session? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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