Manuel Antonio Spanish School Registration
Please fill in the following online form. We will confirm availability in your requested program and send a quote for the cost of your chosen program and/or accommodation by email. The information collected in this registration form will be used for administrative and statistical purposes only. Your personal information will not be shared with anybody else.
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                                                   SPANISH PROGRAM
Full Name *
Date of Birth *
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Country of residency
Address *
Email *
Telephone (please add country code)
Native language *
What is your level of Spanish proficiency?
Which Spanish Program are you interested in?
What is your ideal starting date? *
How many weeks (or days) of classes would you like to sign up for?
What type of accommodation do you require? *
How did you find out about our school? (friend, advertisement, internet search, website etc)
Name of person to contact in case of emergency *
Number of person to contact in case of emergency *
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