Burnout Questionnaire
One of the key events at the 2022 Physics Congress held in Washington DC in October 2022, was the Congress Workshop at which more than 1000 undergraduate attendees were asked to list the two most important concerns that they or their SPS chapter are facing. More than 40% of students identified "burnout" as their top concern! Several studies and publications confirm this feeling of extreme burnout in post-pandemic campuses. This survey is put together to see how strong physics and astronomy undergraduate students still feel that burnout is a big concern in their studies and to attempt to identify potential ways of addressing the burnout. 

You may participate in this survey if you are 18 years or older. Please reflect on the last year or so and fill this questionnaire out. Thank you.  
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Burnout Assessment Tool
As a Physics and/or Astronomy major, please indicate how often you experience the following, from 1 (never) to 5 (always):
At college, I feel mentally exhausted
After a day of courses, I find it hard to recover my energy
At college, I feel physically exhausted
I struggle to find any enthusiasm for my courses
I feel a strong aversion towards my courses
I'm cynical about what college means to others
At college, I feel unable to control my emotions
I do not recognize myself in the way I react emotionally at college
At college, I may overreact unintentionally
At college, I have trouble staying focused
When I'm at college, I have trouble concentrating
I make mistakes at college because I have my mind on other things
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Please rank each category below in terms of how you feel that they impact the feeling of burnout for you.
No impact on burnout
Minor impact
Some impact
Moderate impact
High impact on burnout
Class preparation (not homework)
Class projects
Research projects
On/off campus work commitments
Extracurricular activities
Non school related obligations
Feeling of progress towards a degree
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Rank each category associated with department and school culture and its impact on burnout
No impact on burnout
Minor impact
Some impact
Moderate impact
High impact on burnout
Not feeling a sense of purpose at the department/school
Not feeling of a sense of belonging at the department/school
Not feeling treated equally at the department/school
Feeling of competitiveness between peers at the department/school and/or faculty
Stress from peers/faculty relationships at the department/school
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What aspects of your personal care, both mental and physical, are typically neglected first when you're experiencing burnout? (e.g. sleep, exercise, meditation, etc.)
If you are experiencing burn-out, how can the academic community/SPS help with it?
Are you currently experiencing mental health symptoms in your life (e.g. anxiety, depression)?
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Does your school provide access to counseling services?
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Is there any barrier for you to access counseling services (cost, reliability, advocacy, time constraints)
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If you said 'yes' to the question above, please explain what barriers you have experienced when trying to access counseling services.
As a Physics and/or Astronomy major,  how often have you experienced Imposter Syndrome (a feeling of non- belonging) in the last year? 
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How concerned are you about being able to afford your college expenses?
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