Application Form for Membership to the Stroke Society of the Philippines
Congratulations for taking the first step to be a member of the Stroke Society of the Philippines (SSP) - the leading multidisciplinary stroke organization of healthcare professionals in the country!

The society was established with the following aims in mind; to empower people to take a proactive role towards a culture of health through advocacy in stroke awareness and prevention; to disseminate and promote the practice of evidence-based stroke management through continuing medical education; to create and utilize innovative strategies for optimum comprehensive stroke care appropriate to the local setting; to promote and attain excellence in ethical and relevant stroke research with local and international stroke care network; to take an active role in the international stroke care network; to organize stroke support groups and promote a culture of help by supporting stroke survivors, their families and caregivers; and to institutionalize stroke prevention and intervention through legislative advocacy and collaboration with government agencies.

If you become an ACTIVE member, you will be entitled to the following benefits: discounted registration fee for the SSP Annual Convention; access to members only section of the SSP website – which will contain educational and other supplementary materials regarding stroke such as scientific articles, journals, lectures, webinars, etc.; free certification of good standing from the society; eligibility to apply for research grants, assistance for convention expenses, and travel bursaries; eligibility to attend the business meetings and vote; eligibility to be nominated and be elected to the Board of Trustees; and priority for sending copies of announcements for the Annual Convention and other scientific meetings, as well as other informational materials distributed by the society.

Please be reminded that evaluation of your application for membership will only commence once the SSP Membership Committee receives the required documents as written in the confirmation message after completion of the form.

To begin your application, please take time to answer this form.
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