WPA Spontaneous Judge Training - Early Session Request
All Spontaneous judges who have been to 2 or more Spontaneous Judge training sessions in prior years and have judged teams, may now request to go to an early Spontaneous session.  If you qualify and are interested, please fill in the information below.  Know that you must still officially register as a judge through the WPA Odyssey link or the HQ link. This request form does not replace your judge registration.
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Name and phone # of Coach: *
Email address of Coach:
Membership name and #: *
Name and phone # of Spontaneous Judge: *
Email address of Spontaneous Judge:
Please list the Western PA Spontaneous Judge Training sessions have you been to and the year. *
Please list the spontaneous judging jobs you have performed (such as scoring, holding area, etc.) and the year. *
Because I have been to two or more years of WPA Spontaneous training, I am requesting to attend the early training session this year.   *
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