Economic Impact Survey
To our local business owners or managers:

The COVID-19 crisis has made an impact on each of our lives and, from what I am reading, will continue to have an impact on us for some time to come.  Harlingen Economic Development Corporation is currently evaluating much information to help guide our decision-making and our policies. We need your help with some of this information.  The attached survey will help us to determine the impact this virus is having on our local economy.  It will help us decide how we can best help the community through this crisis.  Your candid responses are needed and much appreciated.

We may be sharing this information with federal, state or local governmental officials if the need arises.  We will not share your contact information, unless you specifically allow it.  If you have any questions regarding the data collected, please don’t hesitate to call us.

Raudel Garza
Chief Executive Officer
Harlingen Economic Development Corporation
(956) 216-5081 office
(956) 216-5085 direct
(956) 245-1303 cell

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